Slow down or move over this Bank Holiday to make the motorway hard shoulder safer for everyone, advises leading vehicle breakdown recovery experts Start Rescue.
Start Rescue’s Managing Director Lee Puffett says: “Our breakdown and recovery colleagues risk their lives every day at roadside incidents helping those with families, and they also have families to return home to.
“If you see roadside assistance taking place over this busy Bank Holiday, please slow down and make room if it’s safe to do so.”

This plea is supported by Paul Anstee, founder of the charity campaign Slow Down Move Over, who adds: “There needs to be more awareness and respect of motorists who have broken down, as well as the recovery professionals helping people. Drivers need to know the Highway Code, which says they should be aware of emergency services, traffic officers, recovery workers and other people or vehicles stopped on the hard shoulder.”
Motorway hard shoulders should only ever be used in an emergency such as a breakdown, illness or you are directed to use it by the police or Highways Agency. Stopping for non-emergencies on the hard shoulder could see drivers fined £100 and given three penalty points.
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